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Actor Sarathkumar met a Jayalalitha in Bangalore Jail: Sarathkumar gave an interview

Samathuva makkala party and Tenkasi constituency MLA, actor Sarathkumar met a Jayalalitha in Bangalore jail. There, ajithkumar gave a interview to kannada newspaper, there he said” Whole tamilnadu drowned in sadness without jayalalitha.

There, Sarathkumar informed to Jayalalitha that “I came to here for mentality about Tamilnadu people; We will always support you. Jayalalitha’s asset case has started 18 years ago, jayalalitha became 2 time as a chief minister in this case period itself.  People are loving jayalalitha so much, but in this stage, because of this sentence all people got lots of sadness without jayalalitha as a chief minister but law is equal for all kind of people.

But, 4 years sentence case is not fair her and also 100 cro fine is very unbelievable thing. Some people are attempting suicide also for Jayalalitha. People should giveup their foolish suicide attempt, sarathkumar gave this interview in kanada language itself.

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