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Güncel Haberler

Makeup Academy (MUA) Eyeshadows, Blush etc Review

Hey my beautiful today I am Reviewing the Items i got from my Makeup Swap With SophieSFrancis check out her channel.   
In my Make-up Swap i got a mixture of MUA & NYC.  So as you can see by the title im reviewing the MUA items first :)  As i said in my video this has been the first time i ever tried MUA and was quite sceptical about it as they only cost £1 each item in Superdrug.  Even though i will always try items before i judge, plus i did hear alot of good things about MUA so i had to try it anyways on with the review :) 
I have posted a video review about these items below :) and i will post pictures and swatches for you to see more clearly 
