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Güncel Haberler

EOTD - Get NAKED for TIFF2013!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!... Not first day of school as drummed into our heads by that amazing office supply commercial...and no it's not Christmas time just yet...  It's TIFF Time!

TIFF, otherwise known as the Toronto International Film Festival is gearing up to launch today and over the next few days everyone and their grandma, will be star stalking, celeb loving, film watching, city dwelling, club hopping, last call loving, paparazzi loving film buffs.  :)

No matter what the reason will be for you to be downtown, here is a great look that you can wear that will make you "Selfie" ready to take that photo-op with the next up & coming celeb.

It's very easy to get swept away with the excitement of TIFF. I had the pleasure of working a very special event last year at a celebrity gifting lounge in the beauty bar at a very luxurious hotel. While I was at this event, I was very excited by all of the glamour. The event was top secret, therefore, you are expected to be professional and offer the utmost levels of discretion to whomever you are working on. Yet the minute a major celebrity walked into the beauty lounge, everyone in the room went silent, so much so, that you could hear a pin drop.  On the outside, I was as cool as a cucumber and appeared not affected, however, in my mind I was having the ultimate fan-girl moment, but no one was ever the wiser! ;)

Anyhow, I digress, here is the easy look that you can use with similar shades/dupes at home. I used the Urban Decay Naked Palette V.1:

1. Fill in the brows, I used Vasanti Dynamic Brow Duo in Cape Town.
2. Apply SIN on 1/3 of the inner lid and up into the crease. 
3. Apply SIDECAR on the rest of the lid. Sweeping the colour and blending it into SIN.
4. Apply NAKED & BUCK mixed together and sweep into the crease, blending very well.
5. Apply VIRGIN, the perfect shade to highlight under the brows onto the brow bone.
6. Using CREEP, start at the corner of the eye and sweep this shade into the crease.
7. Using Makeup Forever Eye Pencil in Black, apply to the inner waterline.
8. Use Vasanti Kajal Extreme eye pencil underneath the end of the lower lash line.
9. Create a cat eye with Liquid Liner onto the top of the lash line and winging out.
10. Apply 2 coats of Mascara, helps to open and define the eyes.
11. For added sparkle and pop, add SIN the inner corner of the eyes.

Here is the full look with a soft pink blush, using sin as a glowing highlight and a soft pink brown lip gloss to finish the lips.

A great look to rock for the FILM Festival and any other day to night parties that you may attend!

Always Smile :)  - Sand

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