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The Nu Skin Experience

Lately, I have been into skin care products since I believe it is important to have better skin than a lot of makeup. No matter how expensive or awesome your makeup is, if you do not take care of your skin, then I honestly believe everything else becomes pointless. Yesterday, I was able to try several Nu Skin products and I am really excited to share my experience with them.

First off, I arrived at the venue with minimal makeup - just moisturizer, bb cream, setting powder, and lip balm. I did not put much because I knew I had to take them off anyway.

So the first thing I was asked to do was wash my face with the Nu Skin 180 Face Wash. I tell you, even if the cleanser was not foamy and sudsy and bubbly, I can tell it was able to totally clean my face without the squeaky dry clean feel. My face instantly looked brighter and instantly felt refreshed. They showed how this product really cleanses the face and removes all dirt and impurities using the Betadine test. On a small cup of water, they dropped an ample amount of Betadine then stirred until it was diluted. Then added a pea size amount of this wash on the solution and the Betadine-colored water became clear again as if it was never there. Then a few drops of Betadine was added again while continuously stirring and it was once again clear. It was explained that after it has cleansed the face, it will continue protecting the skin from all the other harmful elements like dirt.

The next product was the Nu Skin pH Balance Toner. I am honestly not sure what it did but my face felt fresher in an instant. There was another test conducted to show that this is devoid of alcohol. On a metal spoon, they put different toners and cleansers (popular ones in the market I won't name as they might sue me! :P) and lit every single one of them using a lighter. There was a blue flame in every single one of them. But in this one, there was no flame at all.

After that, I thought it was going to be the moisturizer since the normal process would be cleanse-tone-moisturize. But I was wrong. For Nu Skin, it is cleanse-tone-NOURISH-moisturize. So on the right side of my face, the Nu Skin Epoch Glacial Marine Mud was applied. There was a bit of a minty feel and it felt like Aztec Indian Healing Clay Mask to me. Same color and dried to the same texture.

On the left side of my face, a mixture of the Face Lift Powder and Face Lift Activator was applied giving me an instant face lift on that side. It has egg in it and I was able to feel my skin being stretched and tightened. On my nose, a small piece of tissue was applied together with the face lift mixture. After both products dried, the tissue was lifted from my nose and it extracted whiteheads and there weren't any blackheads at all. They said that I have a healthy skin so I actually felt good about it. Haha! Then there were bubbles and lines. I was told that the bubbles are on the parts of the face with damaged skin. Of course, blame it on the harmful rays of the sun! The lines are where wrinkles and fine lines will appear 20 years from now. I had 2 major lines on my cheek. I'd be 46 by then so I have to do something to keep those lines from showing at an early stage.

After those things were explained, I washed my face with tap water (no need for lukewarm water for the mask as opposed to Aztec). Then I guess the best treatment was saved for last - the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa treatment! It was explained to me that since there will be negative and positive ions working on my skin, he had to hold my arm or hand. I dunno the logic behind that, I should've asked. Anyway, the gel with the negative thingies were applied on my face. The tool was pre-set for 2 minutes. I did not feel anything except the gels and the tool going around my face. I only knew it was working because of the beeping sound as I was told. After that, I wiped my face then it was time for the positive gels to do their job on my face with the same procedure. After a few minutes (I think it was more than 2), we were done and after wiping the gel off my face, I was able to see the difference the products made on my skin - Clearer, Brighter, Cleaner, more Radiant and Glowing. I must say I am satisfied with the results. I mean, it was the first time I was able to try those but the effects are instantaneous! I am really amazed. Although the products are quite costly, I think they would be worth it and I am seriously considering buying something from them in the future.

Oh, it didn't end there. The last product I was able to try was the Nu Skin Nu Colour Tinted Moisturizer. The shade was a tad dark for me but I tried it just because I wanted to. It glided effortlessly and seamlessly on the skin and it has a dewy finish. It did not feel greasy nor oily. I think I want one! But it's expensive!!! I think it's around PHP1750 bucks or so. BB creams will do for now.

Before going home, we dropped by a friend's house who was celebrating her daughter's birthday. We had a quick meal and chatting and she said that she noticed how huge the difference on my skin was, without asking her if there was anything about my skin that changed. When I got home, my mom also agreed that my skin looked waaay better than it was before. So overall, I am a happy girl! CLICK HERE TO SEE A PICTURE OF MY SKIN. It's far from being perfect but I am really satisfied with it. :P

Happy Monday, pretties! :P

If you are interested in trying out these products for free or in purchasing them, please email me at greenappletini28@msn.com. I am NOT in any way affiliated with Nu Skin, I am just helping out a friend who is an official distributor of Nu Skin. Even though a friend had me try these products, everything I stated on this post are exactly how I feel about the products. My judgment was not in any way influenced by my friend so I can guarantee that everything here is 100% true and based on my very own experience.

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