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Güncel Haberler

Whimsy Beading Custom Earrings Review

Kelly from Whimsy Beading is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and what I'm about to share is something that still makes me GUSH when I think about it.

A little while back, Kelly tweeted about some almonds from Trader Joe's and how she desperately wanted a few bags. I live relatively close to one and go every few weeks, so I offered to pick some up. She offered earrings in exchange. Earrings for almonds? Fine by me!

Throughout the development process, she asked me about color, shape, and what style I wanted. I let her have the reins and decide what she wanted to make me. She posted a link of an earring chain of leaves which I thought was lovely, and she ended up incorporating it into the design. Shortly before I received the finished set, she posted this on her Etsy shop:

Direct link here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/82409629/steampunk-swarovski-crystal-beadweaving

"Wendora"? OHMIGOSH. How sweet is that? They are just gorgeous, seriously.

I received them in a cute little purple box with her logo on the front:

There was also a note and business cards inside, which are now in my business card case to be passed out anytime someone flags me down and wants to know what earrings I'm wearing. I've been wearing them every day for three days because I seriously love them, and it was so sweet of Kelly to make me such beautiful jewelry.

The earrings are very sturdy and the wire is delicate but easy to push through your ear. I find that sometimes cheaper jewelry is made with such a thick wire that it's uncomfortable to thread them through your ear. I've also got extremely sensitive skin, to the point of bleeding if a metal is cheap enough, and these have caused no irritation, itching or discomfort while I was wearing them. That says a lot considering how allergic I am to most metals (and everything else).

The beadwork is beautiful and intricate, I've not seen something so small be so well done before. Beading can sometimes be clunky or weird looking but on these, the swarovski crystals weave in perfectly with the beads. The color is a mix of purple and blue, which blends nicely with the purple-blue-green shift of the crystals.

Overall, color me very impressed, and honored to have something in a shop that was named and inspired by me. I can't think of a greater compliment! I will be ordering again around Christmas as I know a lot of lovely ladies that need some of her jewelry in their lives.

Do check out her shop on Etsy here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/whimsybeading and support an extremely talented jewelrymaker!

DISCLAIMER: Earrings were provided free of charge by Whimsy Beading in exchange for items that I sent to her. I received no monetary compensation for this review and it does not change my opinion of the earrings.

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