story of a unique production of Lanford Wilson's
A Balm in Gilead at a warehouse in Brooklyn. Site specific projects like this aren't easy to pull off, but are valuable to the psyches of the people making them. (Brooklyn Rail via
Parabasis - they're hosting a lot of good Wilson content right now)
SCOTT PARKINSON (actor): Actually that’s what’s been great. Embracing what’s Dionysian about it. Just having all these people in a warehouse together for four days. It’s what I imagine making theater in the ’60s must have been like, just sort of living and breathing it together, things happening so much quicker because they have to happen quicker, and going with that impulse, whatever it is, not questioning it, just taking that leap. It’s nice to get back to something that’s so pure, that’s being done for the joy of doing the play and experiencing that with other people.
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