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Julia Bradbury vs. Sophie Raworth the results

Julia Bradbury vs. Sophie Raworth the results

Mr. G. opened up another episode of Let Her Have It. This episode is coming live from the BBC newsroom in London. “Today on Let her have it,” Mr. G. said,” We have a competition between two friends and colleagues who work for the BBC. All of their colleagues are here today as well to watch what will be an unforgettable evening. Both of these ladies consider themselves serious journalists. They know that if they are the one who gets the most votes, they will end up looking ridiculous on national television. These ladies are good friends as well so, it goes without saying, they will take great pleasure in pouring disgusting mess on their counterpart. Let us welcome our two journalists. Formerly from Watchdog, Julia Bradbury and from BBC news, Sophie Raworth.”

Sophie and Julia entered the studio. Julia was wearing a short black skirt and a blue button down shirt. Sophie wore a grey skirt and pink button down shirt. They entered together smiling and waiving. They then took their designated spots on either side of Mr. G. The crowd cheered as they entered.

“Ok, everyone, tonight promises to be a messy one for one of you two, right here in BBC studios, in the newsroom in fact. I think that you are both aware that the lead changed hands several times in this votes and until the end it was a very close vote all the way. A lot of people felt very strongly about this one. So, Sophie what are your thoughts on the evening ahead,” Mr. G. asked.

“I want to see Julia get slop poured on her, pure and simple. I think it would be great. Of course I am eager to avoid the mess. She deserves it more than I do. I know I would get bragging rights on her and she would find it really embarrassing. Frankly, I want no part of the gunge either. I think it would suit Julia more for sure,” Sophie said.

“Well, surprisingly enough, I would have to disagree with my esteemed colleague on this one. Yes I am desperate to avoid the mess at all costs. I think anyone would be. I do think that the mess would suit Sophie though. Imagine it all over her body, that would be lovely don’t you think. Plus the men she works with on the BBC would never let her live that down. It would be pretty funny to see it happen I think.,” Julia replied.

“So,” Mr. G. said,” Like I said earlier this was one of our closest votes ever until the very end. Then, someone pulled away. I think some might be surprised by the result here. Do we want to know the results ladies and gentlemen?” The crowd cheered in approval. Julia and Sophie looked as though they were under extreme pressure. They stood arm in arm. Their teeth clenched and their eyes shut tightly as they awaited the results. “Here we go,” Mr. G. said. “Our winner, the person who will be sitting at the desk in the hot seat getting the mess. With an eight vote margin in the end is…..Sophie Raworth.”

Sophie stuck her tongue to the side of her mouth, gave a sarcastic smile and shook her head up and down in disbelief. Julia laughed and jumped for joy. She celebrated her victory. She was clearly relived and overjoyed at the results. Sophie just sort of smiled.

“So, Sophie, shocking results there for you,” Mr. G. said. “Well the family at home are going to be thrilled I think. As are everybody I work with at the BBC including the camera men, makeup people, hair and wardrobe. I bet they all voted. It’s going to be vile isn’t it? I can just imagine what it is going to feel like. I guess I will be the punch line tonight,” Sophie said, licking her lips.

“And Julia, big win for you. It was very close there for awhile. At one point, I think you had the lead, but in the end you escaped, this time,” Mr. G. said. “Well, it is a relief. I know if I had been the one getting it, I would have to hear about it for years. I think everyone made the right choice though. Sophie deserves this way more than me. It’s going to get very messy and I am going to get to stay completely clean. Which I am very happy about. Sophie will be eating humble pie, along with several buckets of disgusting food I think this evening.”

Sophie was asked to have a seat at the news desk and given a story to read on the teleprompter as if it was news. She gave a funny look when she saw what it said. “Welcome to BBC news. This is Sophie Raworth reporting. In our top news this evening it is reported that one Sophie Raworth lost an important messy vote and then was made to face the consequences. Julia Bradbury had defeated Sophie and celebrated her win by pouring a huge bucket …..a huge bucket…. Of Custard…over Sophie’s head!?!?” As Sophie read this, Julia had already grabbed the bucket and had walked over to Sophie. When Sophie had said ,over Sophie’s head, Julia began to pour the custard on Sophie. She was not expecting this and screamed as the cold yellow custard flowed over her. It dumped on her head and shoulders. It went down her neck and shirt and fell all over the news desk and the papers that Sophie had with the stories on them. Sophie felt the custard down her neck and back. Sophie licked her lips and gave the same sarcastic look. She cleared her eyes and flicked some of the custard from her hair at Julia, but it got nowhere near her.

Sophie decided that it would be funny if she kept on reading the lines written for her as if nothing had happened and did not acknowledge the gallons of cold custard that were already all over her. “Sophie Raworth sat in the studio covered in custard,” Sophie read,” All the while she did not have any idea that she would soon be covered from head to toe in…..in…PEA SOUP!?!” Her face dropped, Again as Sophie said this Julia was already with a giant pot of split pea and ham soup to pour on Sophie. Sophie flinched as Julia hesitated. She waited a second then poured. In a second sloppy green soup poured onto Sophie. The consistency was disgusting. It looked then and runny, but it stuck as it ran down her. On top of the thick smooth custard ran stringy green peas soup with ham and carrots mixed in. Sophie could be heard to say this is vile very slowly. She closed her eyes as the green slop poured down her facial features. She gagged a little at the smell. She could feel it soaking her clothes. It covered her skirt and legs. She could feel the disgusting mess all over her thighs. Julia just stood back and laughed. Admiring the view of Sophie covered in pea soup and custard. It was all over the desk as well.

Sophie then started to read the newscast again. “Sophie Raworth had indeed been covered in peas soup. Everyone agreed that she looked great in green. Finally, everyone applauded when Sophie finally got covered in…..Rigatoni!?!” Julia creeped around that back of Sophie. She tapped her on the shoulder. When Sophie turned around, she waived. She then showed Sophie an enormous container of leftover rigatoni in disgusting sauce with chunks of meat in. Sophie tried to cover her eyes with her hands and brace herself as Julia began to pour. She could then feel what felt like an ocean of thick mess inches above her head. In a second the thick pasta fell all over her. The individual bits stuck to the collected mess that had already covered her. The disgusting pasta stuck to Sophie’s face and body. She lowered her head and let some fall. She ran both hands through her hair, dropping what mess she could around her. She lifted her head, shook it and laughed. Julia pointed at her and laughed. Sophie dug out a handful of mess from her shirt and threw it towards Julia. She crossed her arms and shook her head.

“So Julia,” Mr. G. said, “ Was that good for you?” “Better than sex!”, Julia joked. “I would highly recommend that to anyone. That is a great way to spend an afternoon. And look at Sophie. That mess looks truly disgusting. I am so, so glad that she got the most votes. Imagine all that on me, it doesn’t do thinking about.”

“And Sophie,” Mr. G. laughed. “This is so embarrassing,” Sophie laughed, “I have pea soup in my underwear. I think that just about sums it all up. I don’t know how to describe what that felt like. I mean it stinks, it’s vile, it’s slimy, but it is quite a unique feeling. But seriously, this is a dream come true,” Sophie said sarcastically, “ This might make the news for real. All my friends and family are probably having a right good old laugh at my expense right now. I really would like to get Julia back that’s for sure. It really should have been her. She is that one that really deserved it.”

“Well that is it from us tonight, can you read us off Sophie,” Mr. G. said. “My pleasure,” Sophie said,” Recapping today’s top news. BBC news anchor, Sophie Raworth lost a vote and got covered in disgusting gunge. This was seen by all as one of the greatest nights in the history of the BBC. Maybe not such a good night for myself. For Mr. G., Julia Bradbury and everyone at Let her Have it, this is Sophie Raworth signing off. Have good evening.”

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